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 第一花序と第二花序を持つ              General parameters        Growth              Plant has both primary and secondary flowers.
 先端に付く花の数                  General parameters        Growth              Number of apical (terminal) inflorescences.
 脇に付く花の数                   General parameters        Growth              Number of axillary inflorescences.
 植物生成後の変更を可能にする            Internodes (stems)        Creation and growth Can recover from stunting at creation.        通常は yes
 ガク片の数                     Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Number of sepals on flower.
 ガク片の形状                    Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Sepal 3D object.
 ガク片の最大の大きさ                Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Sepal scale at full size.
 ガク片のX軸回転                  Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Sepal X rotation.
 ガク片のY軸回転                  Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Sepal Y rotation.
 ガク片のZ軸回転                  Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Sepal Z rotation.
 ガク片の表面の色                  Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Sepal front face color.
 ガク片の裏面の色                  Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Sepal back face color.
 ガク片を放射状に整える               Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Sepals are radially arranged.
 ガク片と主茎との角度                Primary flowers, advanced Sepals              Angle between sepals and main stem.
 第二花序のガク片の数                Secondary flowers         Sepals              Number of sepals on flower.
 第二花序のガク片の形状               Secondary flowers         Sepals              Sepal 3D object.
 第二花序のガク片の最大の大きさ           Secondary flowers         Sepals              Sepal scale at full size.
 第二花序のガク片のX軸回転             Secondary flowers         Sepals              Sepal X rotation.
 第二花序のガク片のY軸回転             Secondary flowers         Sepals              Sepal Y rotation.
 第二花序のガク片のZ軸回転             Secondary flowers         Sepals              Sepal Z rotation.
 第二花序のガク片の表面の色             Secondary flowers         Sepals              Sepal front face color.
 第二花序のガク片の裏面の色             Secondary flowers         Sepals              Sepal back face color.
 第二花序のガク片を放射状に整える          Secondary flowers         Sepals              Sepals are radially arranged.
 第二花序のガク片と主茎との角度           Secondary flowers         Sepals              Angle between sepals and main stem.